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Art | Illustration | Design

Book Covers

Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Redesigned the bookcover for Murakami's After Dark - the front page artwork is put together using photographs taken by me (except the mirror) along with the illustration of an old self-portrait.


Reimagined Book Jacket Design for Lawrence Anthony's (with Graham Spence) The Elephant Whisperer

This book is really close to my heart, it filled me with warmth, unparalleled joy, and urgency to someday be close to an elephant and watch it just be.

The bond shared between the author and the elephant herd is filled with knowing quietness, reverence, and compassion.

In the concluding chapter of the book, Anthony speaks about the respect one must have towards the wilderness and the nature of the wild, and ends with the quote, "To me, the only good cage is an empty cage..."

Through this artwork, I have tried to capture the essence of this endearing relationship between the gigantic sagacious tuskers and Lawrence Anthony, a kind loving human.


Reimagined Book Cover Design for Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Half of a Yellow Sun.

This was one of Adichie's first novels I read a couple of years ago and fell in love with her writing. I am so fond of the way she weaves stories that seamlessly bring out the political in personal and the sensitivity and specificity with which she builds the inner world of each of her characters.

Half of a Yellow Sun, for me, was about the twin sisters Olanna & Kainene, their fragile relationship with one another, their shared fate despite the many differences and the power of honesty, will, forgiveness and acceptance around the overarched theme of the civil war.

I picked a colour palette that, in my opinion, brings out the darkness and light, inner and outer world, that the book is about; the colours are also representative of the Biafra Flag (Half of a Yellow Sun takes its name from the emblem of Biafra).

I made the artwork as a stamp design and used sketchy/rough strokes to represent the historical/political tones of the book.

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